Take a look at these awesome Save the Dates I did for my wedding! I designed the decoder and message underneath and printed them at home on my own printer! I even designed and had a return address stamp made for my fiance and I. The other address labels were designed in the same style and then printed on a clear sticker (again, on my very own printer). I ordered the decoder glasses and top-open envelopes for a fantastic price and voila! Want some decoder invites for yourself? Drop me a line and I will quote you a price.
Hoje much to make a 20 decoder save the dates cards? Thanks
Hi Tatiana!
So sorry I didn’t see your comment until now! Usually, the best way to get a hold of me is to e-mail me, or use the contact form on my contact page.
You would like to know the price for 20 decoder save the dates? I can design, print (20-30 save-the-dates), cut them to size, and provide you with 20-30 decoder glasses for $70. That also includes shipping. I do not provide the envelopes though. (I realize that price is a bit high, but it covers the cost of the decoder glasses, paper, and ink, and the fact that I have to run these through the printer twice in order to make the decoder work.) If you would just like me to design them for you, and provide you with the files so that you can print them at home yourself, it would only be $25 for the design files, and you can easily order the decoder glasses online on amazon.